Saturday, October 24, 2009

Part Two of Backward and Forward

Ok, so after my last entry this morning, I headed off to the gym to get in a much needed workout! I was reminded of a recent conversation I had with a girlfriend about working out. You know, we eat chips and salsa, donuts, cakes and cookie 5 days a weeks and then we wonder why are my pants tight?!? So, we head to the gym or go for a run to hide or work off the consequences of what we just did. The choices we make affect our now and our future, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotionally.

If you eat junk, you will not become healthy. So, make healthy choices and you will have healthier results.

If you tell yourself you are ugly, stupid, worthless or coming down with some horrible disease, why are you surprised that you feel this way?? So, watch your words-don't hand over an invitation to Satan to bring on trouble-believe that no matter what you think you are, you need to know and accept that God has made you something beautiful and worthwhile with a plan and purpose that only YOU can fill.

If you do not spend time studying God's Word and developing a relationship with Him, then you won't hear Him. So, make time with God a priority and hear His still small whispers.

Again, the choices we make impact our here and now, into our future. They say one look into someone's check book and you will see their priorities. How about in your heart and mind? If there was software that people could buy to read your mind-would you worry? I might a little. It would be embarrassing for others to truly know how cowardly and insignificant I actually felt about myself and my impact on the kingdom.

In the beginning of my healing process with fear and anxiety, I was given a book to read called Jesus Loves Me. WOW! There is so much to chew on in it. Recently, I bought it for myself and it is almost completely high-lighted there is so much I want to get that I relate to-my self defeating thoughts. I imagine I will read it a dozen times more before it all sinks into my thick skull. It addresses the main concept that Jesus Loves You with a passion. He accept you in your good and bad-even despite your bad. He accepts me just as the me He created me to be. There's nothing I can do to affect that. He loves each of us-me and you- sacrificially!

My thoughts-that's what I am working on in my life right now. of MANY things but it is definitely top 2!! I have become really good at wearing a mask for fear that others wouldn't accept me in my good and my bad, so if I just put the best foot forward and pretend that everything else is great-then I won't be judged, criticized, made fun of. Am I the only one that does this? I wonder. I was convicted about one of the lines in the book:..searching for someone to be trusted with who we are "only to find in experience that too often the only communication we are ever offered is mask to mask, not face to face." OUCH for being the one wearing the mask and SADNESS for being the one looking for genuine communication.

God is growing me in this and I really have to focus on Him! Bottom line is TRUST! Do I? Can I? Will I trust God with my heart, mind and soul? I should for He loves me unconditionally. He will never forsake me-even when I have turned my back on Him, He will stand faithful waiting for my return to Him in open embrace. I cannot live a life concerned with what others will think of me. My attention and focus needs to be on the Lord, am I pleasing HIM! Am I obeying His commands? Am I following His lead? Will I fail? Maybe -it will be okay because I trust Him to stay by my side, pick me up and wipe away the dirt and tears. This has been my prayer-help me find me-help me see the me that You Lord see. Take off my mask for others to see my deep love for You in that in my failing, in my weakness, in my mistakes, You God have made me strong-You accept me and love me no matter what! Let Your light shine in my life to draw other closer to You God. Make me nothing and fill me with Your everything! Awaken my Spirit to truth, hope and faith in living a life full out in love with You!

So, back to the choices we make today. We cannot change what we have already done. Where we have walked is where we have walked. However, your next step IS up to you. Are you going to make a choice that promotes good, pleases God alone, brings God honor-not self? Obviously, even our best intentions can lead to bad choices. We are going to make mistakes. While man looks at your actions, God sees your heart. Our intent should be to seek God and follow His lead the best you know how and trust Him with the results. Take off the self made mask and ask God to reveal Himself more clearly to you and through you. It may be a painful little journey exposing that freshness in being vulnerable to the outside world. No pain no gain! Face your fear of judgment and failure, in the hopes that God may be lifted high through your willingness to be real in the life of others and for yourself!

God doesn't play Peek A Boo-He sees more than you yourself can see! TRUST HIM!! You CAN! You should! HE LOVES YOU and ME UNCONDITIONALLY!!! GOOD AND BAD-HE LOVES YOU!

"Thank You Patient and Sovereign Lord for waiting for me to blossom into the person You designed me to be. Thank You for opportunities recently to peek out from behind my mask through my bible studies, sharing with others about my journey with You, through this blog and with Sisters You have blessed me with. You are such a gentle and gracious God. There really is NONE like You. I worship You with all my heart! I LOVE YOU LORD GOD! In the sweet name of Your Son, amen!"

Jesus loves you! "Only God, in Jesus Christ, can meet the needs of your heart. In His presence we can be what we are w/o fear...take off your mask!" "Blossom in the sunshine of His love."

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