Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Faith of a Child

"Mommy, I am sacred."
"You are going to be okay, trust me honey."

As a Mom, I do my best to challenge, encourage and expose my children to life through the eyes of faith. I would never place them in danger or harms way, nor would I ever leave their side as they step into a new venture.

Today, I loaded up the "babies" who are 2 & 4 years old into the bike carrier and took off for a bike ride this morning. It ended being quite the cardio workout with all the wind. I am already towing two children that weigh 34 lbs each, plus the carrier cart!! It wasn't long before I was huffing and puffing, I needed this workout needless to say!! We wove through the streets enjoying all the squirrels and birds loading up on their morning delights.

Half way home, we stopped to play at the neighborhood playground. it was as if they had just entered a candy store with so many choices. Eventually, we made it to the Web I think it is called. A fireman's pole stands in the center and from it branch out arched ladders to climb up to the top of the pole. My 2 year old went straight for it. Just as he approached the tippy top, as it arched, he became uncertain, a little shakey. Of course, I was right under him ready to catch him should he slip and fall. He began to cry, "Mommy, I can't do it." It only took me looking in his eyes and saying, "Yes you can!!! Mommy is right here. You are going to be okay, so come on." And he said ,"Ohhhh..." He knows me therefore he trusts me. He couldn't decide which way to go, so he asked me and I told him to just climb back down as I showed him where to place his foot to start down the path. Once he stepped out, he got it and was back safely on solid ground with 15 seconds flat. I then went through the same thing with the following 4 year old. Soon, we were off to the swings and laughter flew!

If you have given over your life to God, if you have made the personal decision to follow Him, believing and trusting that He loves you unconditionally, you believe He sent His Son to die on the cross for your sins, and He rose again on the 3rd day, then you have someone who will catch you when you fall. He will never leave you. When you climb through life's obstacles, you can depend on Him, your Father God in Heaven. You may be scared and uncertain of your next step, but you must listen for His instructive voice. He is right next to you, many times right under you as your personal safety net. Will you trust Him? Will you call out to Him next time you are scared and then heed to His direction?

Like a child, we need to trust the One above us, the One who has our best interests at heart. If you choose to stay "stuck" in the obstacle, unmoving, you will eventually loose your grip from exhaustion and fall. For some of us with a small stubborn-streak, it may take enduring a few scrapes, cuts and bruises from a fall to learn our lesson the hard way.

It is my prayer for you that you will not avoid the obstacles in life, but to tackle them head on, trusting the Lord will be right there to encourage you as you climb. Oh, how God uses our children to speak to us. Daily, I hear God telling me, "See, that's just like Me and you." Sometimes that is not so good for He may be dealing with a tantrum while other times we are enjoying sweet snuggles as Father and child. (I guess there is so much I need to learn, that is why He gave me FOUR children to be my living examples!!!! Oh Lord, You are so funny!)

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