"my soul is bereft of peace; I have forgotten what happiness is; so I say, "My endurance has perished; so has my hope from the LORD." But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks Him."
Lamentations 3:17-18, 21-25 ESV
You don't have to walk long in this life to know it's both exciting and exhausting. There is a real enemy working hard every day to make sure of it. There is also a Mighty Savior who has conquered this enemy in this life and for all eternity. Both call for our attention.
Each new season, we begin our walk with a skip in our step, eyes focused and hearts ready to embrace the rainbow at the end of our rainy day. We strive for the pot of gold at the end of our rainbow, only to discover it's further than we anticipated, or hoped it would be. Our steps slow. Our legs fall heavy in the weight of depleted energies. Our feet ache from uneven pathways and swell in the long hours of the journey. Our hands lay limp by our side having lost their grip. The perverbial yellow brick road feels jagged and annoying and we've lost sight of the rainbow once again against the backdrop of defeating downpours.
New season seedlings that once ushered hope and life transform into seeds of bitterness, anxiety, doubt, sadness, and exhaustion. Grace is no longer the sole to our soul.
Our overwhelmed minds shut down as we look back over our shoulder to where we first began and wonder if we took a wrong turn along the way. Skipping has turned into staggering until we eventually, just...stop.
Our eyes are weary, our feet lack strength, the path seems too costly to continue. Strength, peace, joy, and hope elude us. Where along the path did we loose them?
For many of us, we can look back an recall the moment we chose to adventure on a rocky path it's a distinct moment of digging heels into the dirt. For others, it's a gradual slope on the hillside we find ourselves slipping down.
Believers, when the path before you seems too costly, remember the cost of your journey has already been walked and the cost counted and paid for. The scriptures remind us time after time to guard our hearts, seek Him first, do not fear, be strong and courageous, resist the devil. Jesus is our perfect portion and provision for the journey. He has been there and knows where you are going.
A mustard seed of faith and a devoted heart is all He seeks. Strength for the journey is found in His great mercy. We must endure the race, fight the good fight, enduring the fatigue as we fall into a self-surrendering of all we are to Grace Himself Who restores our soul's soles.
If we lose strength, we lose hope. If we lose hope, we lose joy. If we lose joy, we lose peace. If we lose peace, we lose self-control. If we lose self-control, we lose focus. If we lose focus, we lose faith. If we lose faith, we lose a life of love. Despair fills our empty shells and all our weary souls seek is refuge in something other than Christ for we have turned our eyes away from life itself.
It is here in those moments we must gird up ourselves in Christ, raising our weary hands to Him, not at Him. Gather around you the intercession of others, allowing Him to reveal Himself through them as the source of strength to you. Do not isolate yourself but rather call to mind what you know to be true in the knowledge of Who you know Him to be. Remember the truths that prosper us, breathing life into a weary soul, God is steadfast and faithful, enduring, purposeful and that He has all the provisions to complete the journey we are walking out. There are no paths too difficult or for Him.
Guard your thoughts and do not despair, Be patient, stay in The Word. Some of our paths will be hard and we may not see past all the muddy pits and thorn bushes, we will sometimes have to walk soaking wet and weak, but here in our weakness we find strength in His arms, hugely able and willing to carry us over the pits that can swallow us whole. Friend, the enemy is after you to wear you out, in order to destroy your faith and replace it with fear and despair. The Lord goes before you to guard your spirit, but you must guard your mind. Guard it fiercely. Meditate in likeness of Philippians 4:8 and arms yourself in preparation for the battle (Ephesians 6:10-18). Be aware when your walk begins to slip or you feel your heels digging in. What are you believing in your thoughts? Where are you looking for refuge?
Surround yourself with those in the faith who can encourage you and pray for you. Others will consider it foolishness to continue in your faith journey who are not walking the same direction as you. A depleted soul becomes a desperate soul and this makes you vulnerable to a life of death. God brought Heaven down to earth to give us life, and life abundantly.
Embrace the morning's grace and mercy of a steadfast and loving Father for they are ushered in new with every morning's sunrise. If you must sit along the way, wait beside The still Waters and rest for a while. Drink deep from His well. In due time, lift up your eyes, rise up and go! Do not give up hope. Sing for joy, shout if you must, for it will be your strength for each step. He is for you, and with you for every single skip and a step.
His love never ceases. May we trust in Christ alone, our Cornerstone.
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