Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Saying YES!!!!

There comes a time when you just have to make a Declaration. A Commitment. Saying "Yes" is what takes wishing and hoping to being and doing. Saying "Yes" is what causes a Girlfriend to be a Wife. Saying "Yes" makes a lost person saved. Changing jobs, helping others, making any change, begins with a point of declaration to accept the change. A Commitment starts with a declaration. Commitments to walk the dog, take out the trash, run an errand, volunteering, can be seemingly small and yet, if they are not made, they are not done. Commitments can be huge life altering decisions- embracing a new career, changing relationships, family planning. At some point, you have said, "Yes."
I recently had someone ask me how I finally overcame my fear and anxiety. I wish I could have given a Hollywood scripted story of how I prayed that one prayer or attended a church service that changed me, or that I had a dream I was healed and I woke up to that reality. My counselor and my mentor told me it would be a process and boy were they right! It certainly was a process.
Day by day, I learned, studied, prayed, received counsel, processed, memorized, struggled within, hoped and wished upon The Word of God. I liken the process to loosing weight...you don't notice the first pound lost or the second. It's not until the third and fourth pounds that you notice the loose pants. Before you know it, one day you step on the scale and you have lost 6lbs. People around you begin to take notice and you can feel it. You knew it, but you didn't feel the 6lbs drop. And yet, there is a day of realization of a new truth! You have lost the weight! Awesome!!!
I do believe God can bring a sudden healing, be it emotional, physical or spiritual. I have experienced those as well. God is our Healer and our Rescue. But God's ways are not man's way. His way is not found in The Handbook of Quick Fixes, which is what we all wish for. So, my friend asked me, how did I know I had been healed, that my bondage to fear was gone. I knew I was stronger. I had less moments of panic and despair and more moments of hope. Truth, courage, clarity, comfort began to fill me, leaving less and less room for anxiousness, fear or worry, defeat or despair. With every prayer, every study, every scripture memorized, I fought for the next breath of peace. My only hope was the Prince of Peace, The Living Water and my daily Bread. All I could do was focus on the basics of being alive. Weeks and Months passed and as I dropped each "weight" I was healthier!There came a moment when I had to declare, "I am free!!" I knew God had lifted "one pound" at a time off of me and I was ready to commit to loosing the rest and keeping the "weight" off. It was time to celebrate victory!
April 4, 2009 was such a day for me! Everything that I had gone through and learned about myself and my God, was ready to be put into practice. It was time to stand firm! I felt free and knew how to be free, and I just needed to commit to being free! Now, that prayer of declaration was a defining moment of change. It is like the moment the Groom slips on the ring of his Bride's finger. That was it. They declared it official as they turned around facing their family and friends and sealed it all up with a kiss! From that moment on, they would walk and live as husband and wife. That sunny April day, which happened to be my Birthday, I made that commitment. I chose that day whom I would serve. I chose to trust The Lord my God for my protection, provision and my peace. Feasting on The Word every day, and He strengthened me. It began to consume and direct my heart, mind and soul! My spirit has been set free from that bondage of fear!! AMEN!!!
Now, in that moment, I did feel the weight lifted off my heart! It was such a freeing moment. I wonder if Peter had that same feeling when he stuck his toes in the water and found a foundation upon which he could stand! Hope and Anticipation filled my once hopeless and defeated body, mind and spirit. That was Day One of a life set free from the bondage of fear and anxiety! My counselor and mentors were right, it was a process and I needed to keeping moving forward, hoping, trusting and faithfully focused on Christ alone! Besides, our lives are not even about us. Yes we are a Light and Ambassador of Christ, but we are living for God, loving on behalf of God!! Our very being is about and because of God!!! I was not created for me....but God!
Sure, there have been moments of anxiousness and times when fear has come at me, but I am remaining faithful to the commitment I made back on that Beautiful April day, to place all my trust and hope and strength in The Lord God Almighty who rescues, remembers, provides and protects!

What process do YOU need to begin healing of? What do YOU need to declare today?! Is there something you need to choose to get victory over? What do you believe has more "weight" in you- fear or faith? Doubts or The Defender? Bondages or Beauty? What in YOUR life do you need to commit YES to overcoming in Jesus' Name?

God, YOU are my VICTORY!! Phil 4:13

God, I WILL serve You!! Joshua 24:15b

God, I will TRUST You!! Romans 8:31-39

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