Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do you trust me?

It was one of those moments where you needed a helping hand. There was no way around it. I just couldn't reach what I wanted to see. I leaned over the edge as far as I could, but my own limited stretch wasn't enough. I needed just a few more inches and I could get it. I needed a hand. My friend quickly stuck out her hand and said, "Here...I got ya." I looked up and thought for a second and my entire life's moments of being on the receiving end of a practical joke filled my mind and it didn't take more than 10 seconds to say, "Ummm, that's okay, I'll wait." With her hand reaching closer to me, she exclaimed, "You do have trust issues!!" And She was right. I do. By now, her hand was right infront of my face, waiting...daring me to trust. I was being called out in an area she knows I am working on and didn't give up, actually challenged me to fight through it right in that moment. I looked her in the eye and grabbed her hand, she said, "I'm not gonna let go. If you go in, I will go in, but you're not going in. Now, go!" She had me. I had her. I made the reach. I didn't fall!! Trust Lesson-PASSED! WooHoooo!!

Doesn't God ask the same of us? Do you trust Me? There's something we cannot reach on our own, we need just a few more inches and there He stands reaching out His hand. Will we dare to trust Him? As I work through this issue of trust in my life, I know I am growing because the time of pause in between the anxious ponderings has grown less and less. There was a day when I said, "No thanks" and walked away in fear. Years later I began to trust a little more, analyze the situation deeply, weigh out the odds and choose to trust when I knew I couldn't get hurt (not sure that is trust more than just receiving a helping hand when there's no risk involved).

Trusting involves risk. Risk of being hurt (emotionally or physically). So the "what" or "who" you are trusting makes all the difference. If the hand being extended to me is the one of a complete stranger, I would not trust them to have my best interest at heart. I could certainly hope and trust, but there's a huge risk. If the helping hand is someone I have known to care for me and has a heart towards goodness and kindness, even if they have a silly side (aka:Practical Joker), I know I can trust them to hold on when they give me their word. When the hand offered is from a trusted person, you know they are trust worthy, you know they have your best in mind, you should trust and grab on. There's no reason not to. Being able to reach what you needed reinforces the bond of trust. Once again, it has been proven to you as trustworthy.

What is it you are trying to reach that is just a few inches away from your limited stretch? God stands graciously reaching out to you. Bottom line is that if "it" (whatever "it" is) is from God, then you can know that He has already gone before you and knows what's coming. Satan on the otherhand, wants you to trip you up and tempt you to not trust God. There will be testing of our faith...our trust. We must know Him enough through our relationship with Him to know when it is His hand you are reaching to hold on to. Grab the wrong hand and you will probably fall.

Where is your hope? Whom do you trust? Won't you look Him in the eye and take a hold of His hand, trusting Him fully? He is not going to let you go. If you go in, He will go in with you. Make the reach. Now GO!!!

"In You, O LORD, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame; in Your righteousness deliver me! Incline Your ear to me; rescue me speedily! Be a rock of refuge for me,
a strong fortress to save me!  
For You are my rock and my fortress; and for Your name's sake You lead me and guide me; You take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for You are my refuge.   
Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God. I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols, but I trust in the LORD.
 I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love, because You have seen my affliction; You have known the distress of my soul, and You have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a broad place." Psalm 31"1-8

Father God, I praise You Lord God, my Abba Daddy, my Protector and Provider to be my trusting hand. Through those You have placed in my life to sharpen me and even challenge me to trust, I thank You. For the circumstances you allow that make me have to choose to trust or not, I thank You. I pray You, my Father and Friend above all others, find me faithful to trust You when I face something out of my reach. I know it must grieve You when I question Your strong hand stretched out for me. Forgive my unbelief Lord God. Do not let me waver. May I stand looking You in the eye with confidence and courage to trust Your hand. There is no greater reach than the one stretching out over The Cross. I desire with all my heart, mind, strength, soul and spirit to hold firm to Your outstretched arm. Give me greater discernment to know when and who to trust in this world. Thank You for the ones who have betrayed my trust for they are the ones who caused me to bring all my broken pieces to You to be mended so tenderly back together. And for those You have placed in my life to reinforce the bond of trust, I say Thank You!! Father God, it is You that I ultimately trust with every person and every circumstance in my life. Give me Your eyes and Your hands to know when to open mine. I praise You Faithful King and Father. Amen.

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