Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cute is Cute and Sexy is Sexy

Thought I'd share a real life example of a Girl Gone Wild as described in my current bible study. It is exactly the message I have been reflecting on over recents months regarding purity.

I watched as my husband encountered a temptress last night at the gym. He was stretching before his workout on 1 of the 3 benches when a woman, barely dressed came up to the same bench, and put her leg up next to his. Startled, he looked up at her only to be met with her chest bulging out of a lace halter top as she bent over in a stretch over her leg, extending from her short shorts. He could not help but see what was being tossed right infront of him. He quickly put his leg down and turned around and sat on the floor to continue stretching. Praise God he had the self-control to turn away. 
What was she thinking?!? What was he now thinking?!? 

It breaks my heart and makes my stomach sick thinking that women, of any age-our young children, teens and adults- have a desire to flaunt out what should be guarded as precious in an attempt to what...get attention?!? To Feel special or pretty? You would hope this woman wasn't thinking in her head "I want to seduce that man and ruin his mind and family." She probably was selfishly wanting affirmation and fulfillment in her desire as a beautiful woman as the woman in Proverbs 7 in our study.
I have 2 dear friends whose families have been recently devastated by pornography. It's a HUGE and destructive industry. We can blame the man for looking but shouldn't the sensuous woman be held accountable too?!? Sometimes it's thrown right in your face. He wasn't at a nude beach or a men's club. This was at our family gym and it happens everywhere, even on our phones now a days.
Women, we must be careful how we dress walking out the door and be aware of the looks we give men being friendly. I don't know about you but I can sense the flirt, and if you are near someone giving you a little flirt, flee! While we cannot control others, we are accountable to ourself. 
Cute can be cute, but sexy is sexy. And sexy belongs behind closed doors!! 
Ladies, we must PRAY PRAY PRAY for the men in our lives! Be it our spouses, Dad's, brothers, husbands, sons, nephews, friends, co-workers, we must stand for their purity and pray for their eyes to be blinded to all the Wild Things available to them. It's a HUGE war!! 
It took one look at the girls at the school drop off line at the middle school and high schools to see what the girls were wearing for me as a Mom to begin petitioning harder for the purity of not only my own boys, but for the girls in our community too. I prayed for value and affirmations to be found within them, not from outward confirmations. For them to choose to respect themselves and those around them enough to not want attention that draws themselves or others to sin. 
Would my teens be strong enough to quickly turn away from the beautiful, good smelling, flesh revealing girls? Since I could not dress the girls myself, it was then I began praying first for the girls to become aware of their value and see themselves as valued and treasured, not something to be promoted for approval of the opposite sex. I became diligent praying for my boys to be blinded and shielded from the alluring flesh in front of them. I have seen this happen in my husband and in me so I know God can do that. He blinds us from things He knows we won't be able to not see. Other times, He helps our spirits to not see. I began pleading with God to help them be quick to turn their eyes and attention if it was laid obvious before them across the bench.
As for my husband, he is bombarded all day in this sex-driven culture and doors are always open for him. Sexual temptation is a serious war that must be fought for people of all ages and status, married or single. As his wife, it is imperative I stand in this battlefield with him. As his wife, I must war with him on his behalf that temptation would be quickly fled from and avoided. I am so proud of his strength and conviction to bounce his eyes (term from Every Man's Battle, book). There are always women on the other side of a bench looking for attention, so we must continue to intercede on behalf of our men, guarding ourselves too.
For the record, it's not just the woman who are the tempters. Boys/Men do it too wearing tight fitting jeans and shirts, giving off alluring signals, dawning their manly colognes, flaunting their body like Fabio. Men, just like women, have a need to feel wanted and noticed.
Thanks for letting me share this with you. This is a Gospel issue more than a purity issue and one people don't talk about frequently enough. 
"But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:17-20
May it start with us coming humbly before our God asking Him to bring to heart anything within us that does not honor True Womanhood in Christ's name by which we were created. There may be some things in our own lives we need to purge, or begin to value as precious once again. May we stand firm and courageous fighting on this huge battlefield for the sake of Christ. May we fervently petition on behalf of our men and boys to be blinded and disgusted by flesh that devours and treasure up the beauty that God intends to be the delight of their souls. Let it begin with us. Let us pray for our loved ones' purity and strength to cling to what is good and holy and flee quickly from temptation that leads to gratifying selfish and sinful desires.  
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
Praying Blessings and Purity of Body, Mind and Heart for each of us! May the Lord be the apple of our eye just as we are to His. To God be all the Glory, body, mind and spirit.

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