Our church worshiped with this song last week and as I was singing it, about half way through, I felt the prompting question, "Michele, does it?" I stopped singing and listened. (Click HERE to access this song on YouTube if you want to listen also." "Let every heart prepare His throne... Come and worship, do not be afraid. My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord. He has done great things for me....Wonderful. Counselor. Everlasting Father."
Yes, awesome and Holy God. Wonderful. Counselor. Everlasting Father. It's easy to say these things, especially if you believe them. But then, does my soul magnify Him? Yikes, we can think all we want in our heads but what do I magnify... Self? Hatred? Bitterness? Selfishness? Greed? A Gossiper? Unforgiving? Judgement? Or do I magnify the Lord I say I worship with Patience? Love? Servant? Fair? Gentle? Trustworthy? Joy? Hope? Peace? Faith? Self-control? Kindness? If someone had a magnifying glass on me, what would be the most obvious? Honestly, it's a frightening thought, am I truly magnifying the Lord? Do others see His Light that I say (claim) I trust? Do I still have my own eyes set on Him?
Romans 3:23 says "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." You may not even need a magnifying glass to see all my sin. We all have things going on in our heart, mind and soul that we hope no one knows. Sometimes our sins gets it's own t-shirt if you know what I mean! Often though, it takes a magnifying glass to find those little sins down in the hidden areas of our soul.
This week marked for me the 4 year anniversary of my Season of Hell. That's exactly what it felt like. As absolutely horrible it was, the redemption and healing that came of it, I would not trade having to have gone through that in order to be where I am today, healed and restored, freed from bondage, and passionately in Love with the Lord! I don't want my "old" Christian self back. God in His grace, provided so many instruments of healing through Christian counselors and mentors, strengthening old friendships to beautiful new ones, to timely bible studies, opportunities to encourage and be encouraged, etc, etc.
I can honestly say that over these past 4 years, as I have pride-shattering, humbly put up a magnifying glass over my own heart, mind and soul and compared it to His, the more intentional I am to fix my eyes on Christ's Love to see more of Him and less of me. It's been a battle learning how to receive His unconditional Love into my sinful self. Seeking to be more intentional in His Name, it's my heart's desire to honor Him with my life, loving Him with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength, helping me to become more pure in my thoughts and deeds, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14 "Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17 I can see and even feel less of me and more of Him. Oh yes, there is still sin and there will be until we sit at the feet of Glory's throne. But that void of "something missing" has been filled with wonder and delight, only God can be all that!!!
It is my prayer that as Believers, we will encourage and love one another, stirring up in one another a purposeful intention and accountability to fix our eyes on the Lord and magnify His Love to the nations, both saved and wondering. Will they see Christ the Redeeming Savior? Who will they say we are celebrating? Will it be our life or His? We can fake our words but we cannot fake our heart's outpouring. Isn't it time to stop lying to ourselves and with pride-shattering faith, magnify the heart of God?!?
Father God, Christ Jesus, You are the Great I Am. My soul, my soul, how it is desperate for Yours. I am yours. Father, magnify Yourself to us so we may reflect You more and not only experience it but also share the unshakable Joy of Your salvation and Peace that surpasses all our understanding. In Your unending love and mercy, cleanse us and help us be who You created us to be. Take every part of us and cast out all that hinders us from being filled with You. Help us to be intentional in seeking You, knowing You, trusting You. God our Creation, Sustainer and Rock, we worship You, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father. To You be all the glory forever and always, in every thing, every where. amen.
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