Monday, May 7, 2012

Boot of Death

After the list of minimal "issues" on my car grew to about 5 things, I decided it was time to take it in. I had my little man with me and so we took a little walk along the shopping center while we waited. We smelt some flowers and skipped, hopped, walked backwards, all things exciting-lol!

Around the corner we came upon a line of busy ants to which of course my little man's boots couldn't help but stomp out. He went to town stomping out all the ants. We thought he had cleared out Ant Town USA until just a few more come around the curb right for us. Maybe they were after revenge, or maybe they hadn't heard there was a new Sheriff in town. Well, instead of pouncing on them, I was taken back at his frozen state. I asked what he was doing, he replied, " I'm waiting for them to come under my boot. Then I will smoosh them." I'm thinking there is no way they would walk under the smell of death on that boot....but they did!!! And death came upon them too.

I was quickly reminded about my Pastor's sermon last week about spiritual warfare and the patience of the enemy to wait for us to move closer to him before he devours us. I cannot imagine that those ants would have intentionally walked under the Boot of Death and yet they did. We do the same thing. I wish I had time to write this all the way out, but I have a busy day ahead so I will leave you with some thoughts to ponder.

* Satan WILL wait for you.
* Do you think you can walk up to sin/temptation and NOT be affected?
* Are you on guard, watching and ready for the Boot of Death that you may avoid it's stomping?
* Pay attention!!! The enemy comes to devour you and he will do it quickly at times and other times he will sit quietly by and wait for you to come close before he attacks.
* Watch for warning flags...the old saying is true, mess with the bull, you'll get the with fire and you'll get burned.
* Just because things appear "quiet" doesn't mean things are safe. The enemy is on the prowl. You are being stalked. He is always ready.

I am sooooo thankful for two things: God has absolute authority over ALL things visible and invisible and that we have the armor of God to wear out the door. May we always be ready and on alert for the Boot of Death that is waiting to smoosh us. May we have the discernment to see it and smell it before we walk under it.

Be aware. Be alert. Be ready!!!! Make plans today to put on your armor and ask God to go before you and lead the way. He is faithful!!!

Oh how I'd love to dig deeper into this but my alarm is beeping. Time is up!! I encourage you today to read Ephesians 6:10-18 and see what pieces you might be missing as you are surely walking through battlefields all the day long and it is crucial you put on that Armor for it will be your only line of defense!!!!!

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