HaPpY NEW YeAr 2012!!!!
It's hard to believe we are already at the end of Month 1 in a new year!?! Where is that time flying off to?!?! I would love to blog about the new year and planning our hopes and dreams, but that's not why God put me on the keyboard today.
As always, these blogs are just as much for me as you. You could be the 4 people I know are faithful readers and I pray there are moments of encouragement in your readings here, but I also pray this opens up on a computer screen of a discouraged person. For those of you who know me, you know I am not a counselor, teacher, minister therefore I don't feel equipped to offer "help." HOWEVER, what I DO have is a relationship with The Great Physician, A Healer, A Compassionate Counselor and Mighty King...and The Sweetest Friend I have ever known. I believe He is who He says He is and He has been faithful to minister in my life. This is why I blog...to remind me in these journallings the many lessons the Lord has showed me and that you too may find yourself also encouraged to draw closer to Him.
As always, these blogs are just as much for me as you. You could be the 4 people I know are faithful readers and I pray there are moments of encouragement in your readings here, but I also pray this opens up on a computer screen of a discouraged person. For those of you who know me, you know I am not a counselor, teacher, minister therefore I don't feel equipped to offer "help." HOWEVER, what I DO have is a relationship with The Great Physician, A Healer, A Compassionate Counselor and Mighty King...and The Sweetest Friend I have ever known. I believe He is who He says He is and He has been faithful to minister in my life. This is why I blog...to remind me in these journallings the many lessons the Lord has showed me and that you too may find yourself also encouraged to draw closer to Him.
The past 24 hours have been soooo sweet to my soul. Last night, the Ladies Bible study was rich and "meaty." Our teacher/facilitator has such a contagious spirit towards the Lord, in her joy, passion for learning The Word, wisdom and mentorship quality. It's been such a blessing and sharpening in my personal walk with the Lord that I am eternally blessed sitting under her instruction. We studied the Great I Am of the New Testament, only to get in my car and turn on the radio and hear "I Am" by Mark Schultz. My hands could not go up towards the Heaven fast enough!!!! Praise the God who's timing even in the smallest and sometimes silliest things is soo perfect!!
What a great year 2011 was!!!! I always reflect back to that very dark and desperate day when I asked the Lord to bring me Home so that I could be back in His fellowship and peace and strength. I had been depleated of everything of me. I didn't like me. I didn't understand me. I didn't want to be me. Me without God is terrifying, lonely, fearful and weak. With God, I am not alone and I am made strong through my weaknesses. God is soooo good. God is sooooo patient. And I am especially glad that God is in control and not me. I look back over that past several years and they have been the absolute best years of my life!!! I know there are no tears in Heaven, but I can't help but think that had He listened to me and I was sitting up there looking down at what my life "could have been," I would be oh so sad. I have had the richest walk with the Lord than ever before in my life. I had/have been given the opportunity to share not only with friends but with my own children what the Lord has done, who He is, who He wants to be in their life. I parent different. I am a different friend.I am a different wife. I am a different Sister in Christ. Outwardly it may not be obvious but God sees my heart and spirit, He knows my thoughts.
It is my prayer in 2012 that I would grow closer to Him, loving Him more and receiving His love more, so that out of the overflow, and not just what's left to give, but out of abundant overflow, others will be touched by Him, see, feel, and "get" Him and be encouraged to seek whole-heartedly after Him too. What greater gift than to show someone the heart of Jesus!! To shine light on darkness. To awaken what has been asleep for too long? To breath life back into something that has essentially died. To give hope to the hopeless!
Yep, even my New Year's Resolutions are different. I would have wanted to loose weight, have a clean house 24/7, clean out closets, get some house remodeling done, take a few classes....and while these things are good, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is more important to me than knowing The Lord our God MORE, and be given the opportunity and honor to share with others about His faithfulness and love. May I begin now with this...someone reading this needs to hear this:
What ever you are going through, remember that your days have already been numbered by The One who Created You and crafted you by His hand for a purpose. He has allotted you a certain amount of time to complete your job for Him here on this sinful Earth. Won't you trust Him with your time here? Do NOT give up!!!! Do NOT quit!!! Dig into HIM and hold on for dear life. It's not all about you and your happiness. You are here to serve the Living God who has called you unto His purpose. He has called you, has equipped you and is providing for you to finish the race!!! Won't you dare to trust Him? If you have nothing left to give, then AMEN!!!! You can let go of trying to figure it all out and throw yourself at the mercy feet of God and let Him pick you up off that dirty floor and carry you through each and every day, going where He says to go and doing what He says to do. He will fill you up. He ain't finished with you yet!!!!!!!!
One GLORIOUS day, we will open our eyes and behold the absolute stunning and breath-taking glory of The Lord God Almighty. Sometimes I think I can't breath when I think of His awesomeness....what will it be like in Heaven?!? My heart wells up with joy that could burst my heart at the thought of seeing Him in radiant glory on His throne. I already love seeing what He shows me here....oh GLORIOUS DAY!!!! Nothing else matters. Yes, He sees our needs and wants and He works all things together for our good. Have dreams. Have goals. Have a plan. Don't be a fool. Be a Child of God, serving in the role He has called you to according to His will for your life. Seek Him first!!!!!
I could go on and on....I actually just came across this as a draft and had fun reading it. Not sure why it didn't post, so here it goes up!!!! Maybe someone needed to hear it today. If you struggle with purpose or anxiety or fear or depression or loneliness, or you know someone who does, be encouraged!!!! Get into His Word and seek after the Lord your God!!!! Life is in Him.
Read Romans 8. AMEN!!!!!!
What a great year 2011 was!!!! I always reflect back to that very dark and desperate day when I asked the Lord to bring me Home so that I could be back in His fellowship and peace and strength. I had been depleated of everything of me. I didn't like me. I didn't understand me. I didn't want to be me. Me without God is terrifying, lonely, fearful and weak. With God, I am not alone and I am made strong through my weaknesses. God is soooo good. God is sooooo patient. And I am especially glad that God is in control and not me. I look back over that past several years and they have been the absolute best years of my life!!! I know there are no tears in Heaven, but I can't help but think that had He listened to me and I was sitting up there looking down at what my life "could have been," I would be oh so sad. I have had the richest walk with the Lord than ever before in my life. I had/have been given the opportunity to share not only with friends but with my own children what the Lord has done, who He is, who He wants to be in their life. I parent different. I am a different friend.I am a different wife. I am a different Sister in Christ. Outwardly it may not be obvious but God sees my heart and spirit, He knows my thoughts.
It is my prayer in 2012 that I would grow closer to Him, loving Him more and receiving His love more, so that out of the overflow, and not just what's left to give, but out of abundant overflow, others will be touched by Him, see, feel, and "get" Him and be encouraged to seek whole-heartedly after Him too. What greater gift than to show someone the heart of Jesus!! To shine light on darkness. To awaken what has been asleep for too long? To breath life back into something that has essentially died. To give hope to the hopeless!
Yep, even my New Year's Resolutions are different. I would have wanted to loose weight, have a clean house 24/7, clean out closets, get some house remodeling done, take a few classes....and while these things are good, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is more important to me than knowing The Lord our God MORE, and be given the opportunity and honor to share with others about His faithfulness and love. May I begin now with this...someone reading this needs to hear this:
What ever you are going through, remember that your days have already been numbered by The One who Created You and crafted you by His hand for a purpose. He has allotted you a certain amount of time to complete your job for Him here on this sinful Earth. Won't you trust Him with your time here? Do NOT give up!!!! Do NOT quit!!! Dig into HIM and hold on for dear life. It's not all about you and your happiness. You are here to serve the Living God who has called you unto His purpose. He has called you, has equipped you and is providing for you to finish the race!!! Won't you dare to trust Him? If you have nothing left to give, then AMEN!!!! You can let go of trying to figure it all out and throw yourself at the mercy feet of God and let Him pick you up off that dirty floor and carry you through each and every day, going where He says to go and doing what He says to do. He will fill you up. He ain't finished with you yet!!!!!!!!
One GLORIOUS day, we will open our eyes and behold the absolute stunning and breath-taking glory of The Lord God Almighty. Sometimes I think I can't breath when I think of His awesomeness....what will it be like in Heaven?!? My heart wells up with joy that could burst my heart at the thought of seeing Him in radiant glory on His throne. I already love seeing what He shows me here....oh GLORIOUS DAY!!!! Nothing else matters. Yes, He sees our needs and wants and He works all things together for our good. Have dreams. Have goals. Have a plan. Don't be a fool. Be a Child of God, serving in the role He has called you to according to His will for your life. Seek Him first!!!!!
I could go on and on....I actually just came across this as a draft and had fun reading it. Not sure why it didn't post, so here it goes up!!!! Maybe someone needed to hear it today. If you struggle with purpose or anxiety or fear or depression or loneliness, or you know someone who does, be encouraged!!!! Get into His Word and seek after the Lord your God!!!! Life is in Him.
Read Romans 8. AMEN!!!!!!
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