Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Loose Tooth

We all have to loose our teeth. God used this normal event in each of our lives to teach me something about His "normal" event of growing up. Graciously, instead of a 2x4 in the noggin, God has been giving me a heads-up when there's something I need to especially pay attention to...and last night was another one of those times. ( I was joking with a friend this morning, sometimes it is with a 2x4, and other times it is just a 1x3! haha~ Thankful for the times it is a whisper!!!!!)

My 5yr old daughter, who has not lost her first tooth yet asks me, "Mom? How does your teeth come out?" Followed by, "Can you still talk when you loose all of them?" I heard the small whisper from the Holy Spirit telling me to listen to myself...I thought, okay...what could possibly be for me here?! So, I did. I just finished the conversation without hesitation of pre-occupation of what I was saying and had what was a normal conversation about loosing our teeth.

God gives you all your teeth, these are your Baby Teeth and the Adult Teeth are waiting to come out. You already have them. You will loose one at a time.Once the Adult Tooth is ready, it begins to put pressure onto the Baby Tooth that it will take it's place. Your gums will be swollen, sore and you will feel uncomfortable for a short while, then as the Adult Tooth moves in, the Baby Tooth loosens and wiggles it way gradually out of it's hold. Sometimes it simply falls out while other times it hangs on a tiny vein and must be firmly removed. If the Baby Tooth won't wiggle through, it may have to be forced out (extracted.)

We Googled a diagram x-ray of the jaws so she could see the whole picture. Half way through talking about this normal, regular, common conversation, I got it. This was for me too. It amazes me how creative God is~again~with His illustrations! So often the physical is a training for our spiritual. I find this to be true with me anyway. 

Here is what God said to me. "I will give you everything you need. You already have what you need. I will not give you more than you can bear. When the "new growth" is emerging, it will take time. It is a process. It very well may be uncomfortable, possibly painful, but remember this too shall pass. It is temporary pain for a eternal goal. The "old" will slowly move out, be patient and don't rush it by attempting to yank it out too soon for that will make the healing process longer. Now, it may be necessary for Me to remove a stronghold quickly,  I have the authority, in my perfect timing to immediately remove it. It willl be for the better. Trust my timing. All your baby roots will be replaced slowly, orderly by more mature and stronger roots. Don't be afraid to loose your teeth. I am in control. I have everything you need, relax and trust me."

 Dear God,

As You reveal areas within me that need to be uprooted, help me to stand on Your promises that You will never give me more than I can bear, You will never leave me or forsake me, all things work for the good and our momentary sufferings/trials are for Your eternal glory. Lord, may my thoughts be Yours. Jesus, my Rescuer, I cling to You with trusting and yet trembling hands. I trust You to lead me in paths of righteousness. Your love is more than I can comprehend or imagine. Help me to receive...receive not only Your rescue, Your help, Your grace, but Your love.

Thank You Father God for loving me beyond what I deserve. Thank You for the tangible glimpes of Your love for me through friends. What a gift, an undeserving gift~ to be loved just as you are, without judgement, fear or obligation. This is how You love me. Help me receive and accept the fact that this kind of love is real and available for even me. This kind of love is rare. Forgive my unbelief. GIve me courage to believe, to trust, to receive.

Thank You Lord God for Your faithfulness to do what You say You can and will do. Thank You for Your unconditional Love, Your Light that leads and Your grace that sustains me. I love You!!!! I praise Your name and no other. You are everything I want. You are all that I need. I surrender. Refine me. Cleanse me. In Jesus' sweet and beautiful name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. God is everywhere, and in everything. His glory is for all to see. What an Awesome God we have!

    Love you oodles!

    Aunt Susan
