Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bicycle Lessons

Today, I decided to go on a bike ride instead of going to the gym. We have gone as a family plenty of times but it has been a while! In hind-sight, with the strong winds today, the resistance was probably a bit much for to undertake. I shamfully admit that I have only been to the gym maybe once in the past month. I am out of condition to say the least! Last year, my Cardiologist even told me, "You need to work out 5-6 times a week to get your heart in shape." Well, I did good for several months making it 3-4 times a week, but then school began and I have not found my routine, still!

Anyhoo, the weather is gorgeous here in Houston, so I loaded up my 3yr old (42lbs) into the bike trailer (40lbs), aired up the tires and headed out. The path leads us across the lake and through some nicely wooded paths. Once we make it to the other side, we stop for water and turtle watching and head back towards the house with one quick stop at a local playground.

Everything was going pretty good until I got to the bridge to cross the lake. My heart was pounding and the resistance of the wind was causing me to really push hard. Wisdom told me to crouch down on the handle bars. It helped to bow down. It was easier to make it across without the resistance. We finally made it to the other side and took our water and turtle break only to find ourselves walking through a big patch of burrs. Those are evil little prickles and they really hurt to remove! OUCH! We soon returned to the bike and made the journey back.

I thought since the wind was against us going there, it would be pushing us along on the way back....nope! Somehow it was against me BOTH directions. Can't explain it. By the time I made it back to the playground I thought I was about to die. My heart was paliptating (aka freaking out) and my chest was tight. It was then that I thought, "Hmmm, maybe next time I will check the wind speeds!" I did notice some really beautiful flowers and berries on the ride back as I attempted to distract myself.

I called my husband just in case I actually did pass out. I wasn't sure for the first 15 minutes or so, yikes! Needless to say, I won't be doing any marathons any time soon! haha

I learned some lessons about life today:

* You never know until you try.
* When resistance comes, it is easier to get where you are going if you bow down instead of chest puffed up.
* Resistence comes when you least expect it and it can come from any direction.
* When you feel like giving up, gird up courage and don't stop. Be persistant, show loyalty. Be strong.
* Life is not always easy. There will be unexpected, painful moments that must be dealt with one at a time.
* Also true, expect the can find beauty in the midst of the ordinary.
* If you need help, get it!

Yes, I made it home, thank God!! I am glad for today. Even though it was exhausting and a bit frightening at the end, it was well worth the journey. I exercised both my physical muscles and my spiritual muscles of courage, endurance, faith, hope, rest and strength. It was a good work out!

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