I figured it would take maybe 30 minutes to carry it in and assemble it...wrong! I did have what I needed-sanding paper, nails, and a hammer. By hand, this took much longer than had I owned power tools-electric sander and electric nail-gun! It really didn't matter since this was our only project for the day and it also allowed the 3 and 4 year olds to lend a hand in the hammering. Plus, if I would have worked with wood before, I would probably been more efficient in figuring out how to clamp the wood so I could nail it together. I was an amateur but I was willing. I thought I was equipped and technically, I was, but it could have been better.
This is much like our relationship with the Lord. We say "Yes, Lord, I want You as my Savior and Father for all eternity. I choose to trust You, accepting the fact I was and am a sinner, and You bought me with Your blood on Calvary's cross. I am Yours." Then, we start our journey with Him as equipped as we think we need to be. We buy a bible, maybe some "Christian" books, change some bad habits, and learn to live this "Christian" life we have now committed to.
If we are not careful, we can become very overwhelmed and give up. As important as these things are, we can do even better.
I would suggest that you start with the very best equipment possible and learn one step, one "project" at a time. God is so gracious and He will not give you more than your heart, mind and spirit can handle. After walking many years as an Amateur Christian, buying all the "How To" books and following all the rules and disciplines of what is expected from a Believer, I have come to realize this past year that I wasn't accessing the best tools for my journey with the Lord.
It is not all the books, even though they can help. It is not following a list of rules, although they are there to help you; it's not all of the sermons you listen to or the amount of acts of service you do in the church or community. It's not all head knowledge and rituals..it's God and God alone that we need to be seeking out as our most valuable resource and tool.
You know what I have come to find out are the best tools...If I could have nothing less, I would have my bible, time and faithful, God loving and fearing Believers surrounding me. That's it. You can see on my shelf (right of website) there are some awesome books that are great tools that can guide you and teach you, but they should not be your primary tool. They are the hammer compared to the nail-gun of God Himself.
Bible: It is God's Living Word and every bit of it is true. It is effective and useful for anything you could possible face in this life...and after for that matter (of course, He doesn't disclose every single answer to us while we are here on earth, for he knows the times and the places for all things that He has called to order.) Whatever your struggle, situation, dilemma...He has an answer for you in His Word. If you want love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, comfort, acceptance, forgiveness, guidance, hope...covering any area in your life, He is there! You will find it by reading His Word, believing it, and by faith, trusting it. If you trust Him, you will hand your heart, mind and soul over to Him for His purposes and according to Romans 8:28, it's all good! And Ephesians 3:20 He can do immeasurably more!
Time: It takes TIME to develop skills, including relationships. You cannot simply own the bible only to set it on your night stand and think that it will give you some sort of powers since you own it. You must take time to read it. When you read it, you are learning about God. You get to know Him by spending TIME with Him. Imagine your friends. If you meet someone and exchange phone numbers after a 30 minute conversation, how well do you know them? You might kinda know them but you have not spent enough time to develop any type of true relationship. Relationships take TIME! It may be coffee for 30 minutes every now and then, or a play date at the park for an hour, lunch once a month, emails...but over time you get to know each other and learn their heart, who they really are on the inside, not what they portray on the outside. Same with God, you can know of Him generally speaking, but each time that you devote to talking and listening to Him, reading and studying about Him, the more you get who He is, you learn His heart, and your love deepens, both to Him and from Him.
God-loving Believers: What a gift! You can see their fire and passion. They keep us motivated, encouraged, challenged, sharpened, accountable. On our weakest days they stand in the gap for us. In our celebrations, they rejoice and shout praise with you! This is a treasure to guard. You will know when God blesses you and crosses your path with a Brother or Sister because your spirit will be lifted! Their spirit connects with yours and you feel it inside your soul. Some will come for a season, others will stay for a lifetime. God knows exactly who we need and when.
My bible, my time and my Brother's and Sisters...the best of the best! God's Perfect tool-belt!
"Thank you Lord God for reminding me this week that if I would use the best tools for the job, it will be more efficient for what needs to get done. Lord, protect my time, open my heart to see You and hear You more clearly, deepen my understanding of who You are. I want to know You more. Light my fire bright so that I might light another's and guide them towards You.
May Your prefect will be done, may Your grace and love sustain me. Help me trust You more and more as I abandon my way for Yours. Your timing, Your purpose, Your way....nothing of me, but ALL of You Father God.
Bless those who You have graciously placed in my path, from years past till even now, who have encouraged me and loved me in the good times and the bad. Bless those who have also brought heart-ache into my life for those painful moments only caused me to run to You, the comforter of my heart AND soul.
Thank You Abba Father for You unconditional love! My Redeemer, Strength, Refuge, my Rock."
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