"It's a process," I have to keep reminding myself. Why do I think that after more than 30 years of feeling second rate, not good enough, meek, intimidated and insignificant that with one swoop decision I will be able to run ahead and never slip back into those old defeating behaviors again? I guess old habits are comfortable ans easier sometimes than the new way might temporarily seem. Maybe it's like a new pair of shoes...you buy the new ones, toss the old ones, only to have blisters the next day from the new ones!!! "I'd rather have my old ones back!"
Breaking in the new things takes time-how much time? Well, however long God thinks you need. There be much more to it than what you see. God can use our physical to actually bring us around to emotional healing and our emotional healings can heal our physical, all of which affects us spiritually! Nothing is simply body- mind - OR spirit! It IS body, mind and spirit!!
What bad habits do you struggle with? Self-defeating thoughts? Anger? Fear and anxiety? Over eating? Smoking or drinking? Gossip or Slander? Unforgiveness towards others? Work or Shopaholic? Are you finally ready to toss them aside? Let's do it! You can do it!!
Experts say that to develop good habits you must be consistent, be patient-recognizing it takes time and you must be committed. If I am committed to change my "stinkin thinkin" (or any other negative habit in your life) as Joyce Meyers calls it, then I must be consistent and patient. I have to be patient with myself as I learn the "how to's" of making the changes needed; whether it be studying, joining a group of accountability, going to a Doctor (for physical) or Counselor (for emotional or spiritual), finding aid/help in the community. It takes TIME to research and gather information to make sure you are where God wants you. He will direct you exactly where you need to be. Don't run off ahead of Him to get that "quick fix." His timing is perfect and so are His ways. Settle down and be patient!
Once you know where to get started, put on those new shoes, toss the old ones and get ready to break in those soles. Sure, you may get blisters and ya might clump when you walk the first few times, but don't give up. Be consistent! Be patient! Just because it is uncomfortable and even painful at times, don't give up. If you need to find a walking buddy then ask God to get you one and He will! You do not have to do this alone!!
When we step out in faith, it isn't always easy. For me, I have found that I can have pain and joy at the same time, peace in the middle of a storm-weird huh? That's how it is with God-His power is amazing! He loves you and wants to give you life abundantly! He does not take pleasure in your pain. He will pour out His grace on you and you will be filled and you will be more than satisfied. He meets you right where you are!So be patient with yourself and wait for God's leading. And day after day, be consistent with the plan set before you. Trust God's perfect plan for you in this area of your life. Be committed and hopeful towards victory in the Name of Jesus! Claim the good things He has and will do for you. He is your Healer!
God has opened my eyes and shown me areas in my life that need to be tossed aside, one of which is the lie that I am insignificant and not good enough. I am getting there. I am being consistent and patient. I have to keep reminding myself it's a process.
As God continues to heal me and replace these lies with His truth, I am committed to breaking my silence and sharing my journey with others as God leads. God has given me the privilege of meeting some wonderful women who are also suffering in silence. Only because I shared my silence did they share theirs. How many of us are out there? I pray we would each be an instrument of encouragement to each other.
Won't you break your silence? God wants to restore you. It may not be easy but are you willing to take the chance that the God of the Universe, the Rock, the Redeemer, your Creator, your Loving Father...knows what He is doing..wants what is best for you? He holds your life in His hands. His grace and His love IS enough for ME and for YOU!
Thank You Jesus for saving me from me! AMEN!
"But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." II Corinthians 12:9
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