Thursday, January 14, 2010

What do you hide behind?

It's not new shoes but new hair! I was born a blonde hair, blue-eyed girl but the older I got, the darker me hair got. It was pretty fun living a blonde life-many people joke about blondes not being smart, sensible and educated.... and I know, you already have a blonde joke, maybe three ready to tell. Believe me-I have heard them all!
The blonde persona was fun! I tried to go darker a few times over the years, usually coinciding with the hormone shifts after having babies each time-plus, who had the time to keep up with the roots!?! Plus, I thought the blonde color looked better but it may have been that I was just used to it. My sister let her hair grow out and it is a chestnut brown, very pretty but also very familair. I felt like a completely different person and would almost immediately highlight it back to blonder shades.
Recently, God showed me that I have also used the blonde persona to hide...part of the mask I wear. So for the past two months, I have gradually allowed my natural color to grow out and I low-lighted it every few weeks. Today, I am now a light brown, cinnamon color and I like it. It fits. New year, new me! There are still a few shades darker to go in here but I remind myself once again, "it's a process," and so is growing strong enough to take off our layer at a time! (Now...if God could just do something with my Italian nose?!? heehee)

God Bless You and may I just take a minute and say Thank You for allowing me into your heart through this blog. It has been a blessing to hear from you. I pray you will be encouraged and find yourself beginning a new journey with the Lord yourself! Michele

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

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