Recent crazy Texas weather patterns have nearly killed everything green in my minimally landscaped yard! One day it is hot the next we have a freeze warning! Neither my husband or I have natural green thumbs, so the yard is at the bottom of the priority list! First comes the people who live in the house-cleaning, feeding, maintaining, transforming and disciplining and of course entertaining...then comes taking care of the dog, the house itself-cleaning, maintaining and stocking it and then all the responsibilities as we work outside the house. Then, there is the pool and then...the yard!!
We have been blessed with a large backyard but it makes it more difficult to keep up with watering it. We should probably find a way to enable more hoses to run at one time because the one hose at a time, is hard to fit in the time schedule. So, my yard is currently a crunchy golden color. We have been watering it but I believe the recent winter weather may have actually killed the grass! Time will tell, so I have been out the past several nights watering by hand some of the precious plants and grassy areas where I see a little green patch of hope!
This was the living parable God gave me as I stood there nurturing and hoping. The grass was me. As I walk with the Lord year after year, there are many seasons I experience with Him. Some seasons I imagine I am vibrant, lush, plentiful, fruitful, blossoming and easy to care for by my Master Gardner. While other seasons are harmful, painful, frightening, rebellious, dead, scarce and fruitless. I need more from my Caretaker and Provider.
I imagine He must water me by hand with precision in application in just the right way and portion. There are times in my walk that my dryness needs more living water, a little more grace, mercy, compassion and love. Because God's spirit lives in me, there will always be that patch of hope. It may simply take more time and patience as it is encouraged to strengthen and take root and grow. As the season changes and my heart and soul receive His seeds of grace and love, I absorb His living water into the depths of my roots and I am strong and firm. My nurtured soil easily bears much fruit. Hope, cheer, grace, forgiveness, encouragement, friendship and blessings overflow from the boundaries of the garden.
Thank You Creator of all for having a green thumb to take care of Your creation!
So, no matter what season you are in now, remember that your Master Garden sees your patch of hope and He is caring for, encouraging and faithful protecting you. If you feel dried up and worthless, seek refuge from the heat and open yourself up to the source of living water which transforms and heals. If your soul is fruitful and prosperous, be sure to protect yourself from the destructive insects and bear much fruit to share with others as your cup runneth over!
Lord Jesus, fill me, saturate me to the depths of my roots with Your redeeming and healing water so that I may produce a harvest of fruit for Your kingdom. No matter what season I am in God, I need You. Sometimes I just need a little more of Your grace and patience, or joy and compassion than other times. Gently but swiftly prune back all the dead branches which weigh me down. Remove the excess. In Jesus Name I pray for protection from all things harmful that destroy all that is good within me. Be my refuge from the scorching heat. Shade me and grow me just as You have planned for me, right here, right where I am. Accept my patch of hope. I trust in You Lord God to be my Master Gardner. Thank You for taking care of me every day, in every season, in every way. You, God, are my perfect portion. In Jesus' Name I pray, amen!
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