Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bitter, Angry, Dry Grass

What kind of grass do YOU have? I know, weird question huh? And I am NOT referring to "illegal" grass...haha, just to clarify!! Needless to say, this season in my life demands that most of my time and energy spent on keeping the inside of my house clean, organized and alive. Not the case of the outside of the house. I water, feed, nurture, plant seeds and keep a close eye out for "bugs" within the walls of my home, speciafically in the yards of my children. God has blessed us with this home therefore, we need to be good stewards of it and I think we do, but the yard is not one of the beautiful things we own. My ministry is inside.

After living here for nearly 6 years, we finally made the decision to replace the front yard's "grass." Well, the problem was there actually wasn't any grass. It was all weed. Thankfully it was green, but none the less, it was weeds. With weeds comes prickles, burrs, ant beds, thorns, etc. It was never a lawn to roll around on or even walk on barefoot. 

With every weekend full of "something" we made the decision to hire a crew to get it done for us one Saturday morning. You have no idea the joy it has been to walk carefree in our front yard. Sounds silly, but when you've had such an issue for long, it's nice to remove "the thorn in your side". It feels healthy. It is freeing!!

We are blessed with a huge backyard, compared to the rest of the neighborhood but with it comes the challenge we also struggle with~ watering the entire back yard, and yes, it is the same weed-filled landscape, full of thorns and burrs amongst the weeds. Our city has been in a severe drought therefore even our weeds are now crsipy. They have called for water conservation, so our water has only been towards the front yard's new grass and tree. We have not watered the backyard for a few weeks now. It is dead and boy does it hurt! (No one would dare walk on it freely, you must be geared up!!)

Yes, our back yard "grass" hurts. It is very crsipy and it hurts the soles of your feet to walk on. However, the front yard is lush and beautiful, a welcoming site. It's like walking into two completely different lands. There is green and lush and yellow and brittle. Where would you choose to spend time? Where would you feel most comfortable? Notice my neighbor's grass...whose yard are you drawn to? Me too!!!

Here are the two applications God taught me thru my grass:

1.) To have a healthy soil/soul, you must consistently receive Living Water, the source of Life.
2.) In order to be an effective witness, drawing others to Him, our yards must be welcoming. 

If I do not receive the Source of Living Water to nourish me, I will become dry, brittle, crisp, harsh, dead. I would certainly not be a welcoming site for others. Nothing dead can produce life. Only Life can breed Life.

Are you intentionally seeking out and consistently drawing on God's Living water~ through His Word, His Love, through others He places in your path?

Do you have a yard full of weeds: attitude, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, laziness, pride, insecurity? 

Are you a welcoming place for others or do they feel the need to avoid or gear up just to get near you? It may be time to dig it all up and start again with a clean slate so that others, as well as yourself walk no longer in pain! You are ultimately hurting your own sole/soul.

Is it time to remove some thorns that have been ailing you for too long? Not all thorns can be removed quickly and God may even see fit that a few remain for a season. Romans 8:28 In His timing, He will prune. You just be willing, and ready to do some yard work!

Father God,
Nurturer, Provider and Protector of my soul, cleanse me from all that hinders life in me, bind it and cast it far. I'm so thirsty for You and crave Your Life. Fill me overflowing so that my spirit, mind and heart can pour out from the overflow into the life of another, giving them nourishment from You too. Forgive the days I choose not to drink from Your well and rely on my own way. I acknowledge You are my only Source. Fill me, cleanse me, prune me, heal me, replenish and grow me. My hope is in You, my Strength and Shield. Lord, would You bless us with a revival in dry land. Praise Your Mighty Hands, amen.

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