Saturday, August 7, 2010


Often I hear people relate the The Lord to our Daddy here on earth, so loving and kind, protective and gentle, but you know what? That's not the case for everyone. In this day and age, I think it is rare to have such a godly father who can closely reflect the Love of Our Heavenly Father above. 
Isn't it nice to know that no matter what kind of Dad you had/have, despite how he treated you, even if he has disowned DO HAVE, HAVE HAD and ALWAYS WILL HAVE a Father. Your Father in Heaven loves you soooooo much. He gave up His life for yours. He was beaten, ridiculed and laughed at for loving and protecting you. He has fought a huge fight over your soul and over your inheritance in Him. You child, we worth dying over. You were worth every bit of His time. By Him, you were "fearfully and wonderfully made!"

Even if you have been blessed with a loving, devoted, nurturing Dad, he cannot compare to your Heavenly Father.

Be encouraged that regardless of your realtionship with your Dad, be it good or bad, there is One Father who cherishes you, loves you, roots for you, cares for you, listens to you, who desires to provide and protect you every day, in every moment, in every situation.

HE will NEVER leave you or forsake you! You are NEVER alone!


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