Like life, I believe we go through different seasons in our spiritual walk too. Seasons can be weeks, months or years. Lately, I feel seasons by the weeks. It used to be by the years and I didn't see as much growth compared to these ever changing seasons in my walk. Maybe it's the constant change and pruning that occurs. Refreshment and change comes in with each changing season.
There are times I am in the Word, authored books, worship through music, worship in remembrance with writings, bible study, podcasts, applications/tools. God is not confined to one deminsion and I used to relate to Him in a ritualistic rountine...just through church and bible study. We put so much emphasis on having a set "Quiet Time" alone with God that we need to heed caution that it doesn't become rountine and ritualistic. God can be found in any moment becuase He is every where! I was talking recently with a friend about this and I believe that if you are struggling with something it may be necessary to develope rountine and build in the accountability. This to establish good habits, replacing the bad/old habits. Then, as you grow those spiritual and emotional muscles, you will be stronger to get outside of the rountine and have the strength to search for Him.
For years, I was only accountable while involved with a bible study group. Slowly, I began to get back in the Word from desire for the living water and refreshment, and often, for help! During my stormy, unstable season over a year ago, my time with God was ritualistic and I needed that. Day after day, like a prescription that must be taken at the preicise time of day, I took God into my heart, mind and soul. The stronger I grew, the less I had to depend on the prescription. I became healthier and healthier, finding myself strong enough to journey out to find Him.
Today, I am make a conscious decision to seek after Him every where, every time. I look for signs, I listen for His voice. I feel His promptings in music, frienships, nature, applications, bible study, church, concerts, fellowships and even in the stillness of the night. He is EVERY WHERE! I am learning also to hear call of The Holy Spirit which sometimes quietly, but mostly loudly and boldly prompts me to interceed for another and I counted a joy and blessing to pray over another. This is new for me and so much "fun." To be included in something greater than I is such an honor. It is also scarey, not frightening scarey, but just the unknown part of it, not knowing sometimes why you are prompted to pray, you wonder if the other is okay, sometimes you know and when you know why, you really hope you are wrong, unless of course it is a blessing or encouragement you are standing on for them. That is especially great!!! We cannot fathom how mighty our God is, how powerful He truly is! Father forgive me for confining you to the address of my house and my church, but show me Your permanent address in my heart.
It was not until this last year that I recognized His omnipresence. He can be found outside the walls of your church. Each of us are His church; therefore, He is with us always. We have the great privilege to be in union and fellowship with the God of the Universe 24/7.
For years, I was only accountable while involved with a bible study group. Slowly, I began to get back in the Word from desire for the living water and refreshment, and often, for help! During my stormy, unstable season over a year ago, my time with God was ritualistic and I needed that. Day after day, like a prescription that must be taken at the preicise time of day, I took God into my heart, mind and soul. The stronger I grew, the less I had to depend on the prescription. I became healthier and healthier, finding myself strong enough to journey out to find Him.
Today, I am make a conscious decision to seek after Him every where, every time. I look for signs, I listen for His voice. I feel His promptings in music, frienships, nature, applications, bible study, church, concerts, fellowships and even in the stillness of the night. He is EVERY WHERE! I am learning also to hear call of The Holy Spirit which sometimes quietly, but mostly loudly and boldly prompts me to interceed for another and I counted a joy and blessing to pray over another. This is new for me and so much "fun." To be included in something greater than I is such an honor. It is also scarey, not frightening scarey, but just the unknown part of it, not knowing sometimes why you are prompted to pray, you wonder if the other is okay, sometimes you know and when you know why, you really hope you are wrong, unless of course it is a blessing or encouragement you are standing on for them. That is especially great!!! We cannot fathom how mighty our God is, how powerful He truly is! Father forgive me for confining you to the address of my house and my church, but show me Your permanent address in my heart.
It was not until this last year that I recognized His omnipresence. He can be found outside the walls of your church. Each of us are His church; therefore, He is with us always. We have the great privilege to be in union and fellowship with the God of the Universe 24/7.
So, I have been in a season of working things out recently and I feel God is saying Enough for now. It's time to get back to some worship time, a time of refreshment and rest. My strong will wants to "fix" everything wrong with me NOW, quickly and efficiently but that would be a strive for perfection which I will never acheive. God wants me to be right where I am today, looking towards Him for the next right step to guide me in the right direction for tomorrow's journey with Him.
Last night I compiled a new worship CD and have already been enjoying the worship time with hands lifted and hearts open. It is time for me to focus some more attention to praising and worshiping the King of Kings and My Rock ETERNAL!! I am still working and thinking but the seasonal change for right now is moving into the rembrance of who He is and the Greatness of who He is.
For me, it's a new kind of Spring Break...a time of emotional rest and spiritual refreshment. I pray that as you enjoy your Spring Break with your kids this week, you will also take time to check your calendar and take a break for some R&R with your Daddy God! Your Rock Eternal who just wants to hang out with you and enjoy some precious fellowship for a bit. Enjoy! Receive it! Soak it up! Be amazed by His Love!